Are your kids resistant to learning? Find out what to do about that in the next Tea with Julie series!
Tea with Julie

Welcome to "Tea with Julie," a weekly missive by me, Julie Bogart. My wish is to give you food for thought over a cup of tea to enhance your life as an educator, parent, and awesome adult. Glad you're here. Pinkies up!
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Cincinnati, July 4, 2020

Hi Friend,

Thanks for all your fabulous emails about "Tea With Julie." I read every one!

We're onto our next series: Stealth Learning

Have you ever noticed that when you prepare and plan a lesson for your kids, at least one of them balks or drags feet? Sometimes your overt expectation that your child will have a good time undermines the good time the child might have!

Yet you have to teach that kid something!

For the love of all things sugary—why can't your child just enjoy your hard work to make that child happy?

There's this sneaky part of each of us called "autonomy." For the same reason we don't want our mothers commenting on how we arrange our spice cabinet, our kids sometimes get a teensy bit resistant to a parent's insistence on fun. They want to have choices or to not like a subject area without it being seen as a critique of their parents.

So how do you wrangle a child into learning what needs to be learned?

That's the subject of this next series. Sit tight!

We'll look at these topics:

  • The Difference Between Pressure and Motivation
  • Taking Away Insistence as a Tool
  • The Art of Strewing
  • Your Secret Weapon: You!
  • Parallel Play

Have a good weekend!

I'm planning to watch "Hamilton" on Disney+ while eating kabobs.

See you next Saturday.

Psst: if you have a friend who would like these emails, forward it along!





P.S. Catch up on all the “Tea with Julie” emails here!

Julie Bogart
© 2020 Brave Writer LLC™

Brave Writer




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